Understanding vat de-registration in the UAE

Tax deregistration is a necessary process for individuals or entities ceasing to make taxable supplies or falling below registration thresholds. Understanding the circumstances and procedures involved is vital for maintaining compliance and efficiency in tax matters.

Tax De-Registration Cases

Registrants must apply for tax deregistration if they discontinue to supply taxable supplies or if their supply value over twelve consecutive months falls below the Voluntary Registration Threshold without meeting specific conditions as mentioned in Clause 2 of Article 17 of the Federal Decree Law No,18 of 2022.

Application for Tax De-Registration

Registrants may apply for tax deregistration if their taxable supplies over the past twelve months were below the Mandatory Registration Threshold.

Voluntary Tax De-registration

Registrants cannot apply for tax deregistration within twelve months of tax registration, ensuring a reasonable timeframe for maintaining registration status.

Procedures, Controls, and Conditions

The executive regulation outlines the procedures, controls, and conditions for tax registration and deregistration, providing a structured framework for compliance and governance.


Tax registration and deregistration are integral components of fiscal responsibility, ensuring adherence to regulations while facilitating economic activities. Understanding the notes of these processes is essential for individuals and businesses to navigate the tax landscape effectively.

Disclaimer: The Content offer general guidance and should not be considered legal, financial, or tax advice. Consult qualified professionals for personalized guidance. While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy, no guarantee is provided for completeness or applicability to individual situations. Users are responsible for their interpretation and actions based on this information, at their own risk.

For understanding more about VAT Updates, Tax Law and Registration reach out to us at: contact@acme-group.me | +971 52 740 1169.

This article was published on 12 April 2024.

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